Christmas Blog

More than ever, I notice myself thinking about what life is all about. I think that’s why Christmas is my favourite time of the year. Christmas itself means different things depending on who you ask, but there’s something about the holidays at this time of year that transcends religion and culture.
It’s a unique time because as the end of the year draws near, those of us who live in colder climates get to bundle up and try our best to spend time with those we love. Here in North Canada, the majority of us lead a fortunate existence: we have freedom, safety, food, and warmth. Despite all that we have, happiness can be elusive.
I have a lot of appreciation for life and I think that’s because I’ve lived about half as long as the average male does in Canada and I’ve seen enough to know how fragile life is. Everyone’s life eventually ends, though we don’t know when that might be. I think that’s something we often forget. We spend so much energy and time on the acquisition of things. Now make no mistake, I’m no different than anyone else; I like nice stuff, but everything we worked so hard for – a home, wealth, a car etc. – doesn’t mean much when we’re gone and it’s not as if we can take it with us.
I feel so lucky to have a job that I can pour my heart into and that I believe makes a real difference in the world. It’s important to work hard and have goals that inspire us to strive for. Material things like housing, transportation, and money are important and worth our time, but it’s tempting and easy to put excessive time and energy into stuff that ultimately may not align with what we value most.
Let’s face it, we need to work. Hopefully we can find meaningful work because we spend so much of our lives doing it. But if stuff doesn’t last, then what does? It’s the answer to this question that I feel illuminates this time of year best. The thousands of moments that make up every day of our lives are like little choices. These thousands of little choices and decisions we make define us, shaping our destiny and legacy. I think the meaning of life is that it’s not just about us. It’s about others and it’s about love.
I’m a selfish person; I’d like to think a lot less than I used to be. My experience so far from all the wonderful people I’ve been able to observe is that they work hard for what’s most meaningful to them and they care for others. These people are thoughtful, kind, patient, generous, and happy to let people be who they are. They don’t judge others, they are humble, brave, fun loving, they listen and give respect, attention, and time with people. They seem to have a faith that things will work out for them if they look out for others and work to be the best they can.
We all have a place and purpose in this world that we may not understand. I hope this Christmas you feel the warmth, peace, joy, and love this time of year can bring. May there be many more of these Christmases in your future for you and those you love. And may this life of yours be beautiful and something that lasts the test of time.
Victoria Family Chiropractic
3200 Shelbourne St Suite 203 (250) 592-5553
7:30am - 1:00pm
1:00pm - 7:00pm
7:30am - 1:00pm
1:00pm - 7:00pm
7:30am - 1:00pm
Saturday & Sunday
Victoria Family Chiropractic
3200 Shelbourne St Suite 203
Victoria, BC V8P 5G8